4 Reasons an Employee May Need a Workplace Accident Attorney

by | May 10, 2017 | Attorney, Lawyers

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A workplace injury is a gray area for many employees. Employees who have been injured in the workplace believe that workers’ compensation is their only option. This is the general rule; however, there are some exceptions. If you have been injured on the job, a worker may be able to sue for damages. But to be sure, before one says anything to his or her human resource department, it is best to contact a workplace accident attorney for a consultation. A few examples of where you may have an advanced case on your hand is as follows:


  • If the accident is caused by a defective product, an employee may be able to sue the manufacturer of the product for product liability. The manufacturer will be held responsible if it knows about the dangers of the machine and did not warn the employer and/or employees.
  • If a third-party caused the accident, you are able to bring a personal injury case against that person.
  • If an employer does not have workers’ compensation insurance, employee(s) are able to bring about a civil lawsuit. This is especially difficult because the employee bears the burden of proving that the employer was at fault for his or her injury.
  • If an employee is harmed by a toxic substance, an employee may be able to file what they call a ‘toxic tort lawsuit’ for that substance against the manufacturer. Toxic substances can sometimes lead to chemical burns or appear as life-threatening illness such as lung disease.

While workers’ comp may provide money and some other benefits to an injured worker, it is usually minimal and usually does not compensate the workers properly for things like pain and suffering. It is important for injured workers to know and understand their rights. They may need to bring a case outside of the workers’ compensation system. Workers’ compensation does not hold employers accountable for dangerous and unsafe conditions. That’s one of the major reasons to contact a Workplace Accident Attorney, because the case may be bigger than just compensation. For a consultation about you case contact website or click here. You can also connect them on Facebook.