Month: January 2013

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Coping With Grief Following A Divorce

Divorce is something that many of us never give a second thought.  When we got married to our spouses the last thing on our mind was the marriage not working.  No one gets married with the intentions of getting a divorce; in fact it is against many people’s religion...

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Is Fault Considered in a Michigan Divorce?

The state of Michigan is a no-fault divorce state, which means that one party in a marriage can file for a divorce without any basis or reason for doing so. No one has to be at fault, and divorces can be pursued or finalized just on the basis of a husband or wife...

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Going to Court? You Will Need a Lawyer!

There are many reasons disputes can arise in life both personally and professionally. And whilst most of us will be able to sort these issues out without going to court, there are times when it becomes unavoidable. It could be that you’ve finally decided your marriage...

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