Handling the Issue of Fees when Hiring an Attorney

by | Feb 28, 2013 | Lawyers

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Getting an attorney to assist with cumbersome legal issues is like a blessing. You have to go through a rigorous process of conducting research, booking appointments and visiting different legal firms before you finally decide on the right one. After you have completed the process and are ready to begin, there is one final hurdle to overcome: legal fees. Before you give the go-ahead, you should be clear on the amount you will be expected to pay and the mode of payment.

Below are some guidelines on tackling the fees hurdle:

1. Discuss the fees in advance: For every attorney Idaho Falls residents hire, there is always a fee. This is charged with the respect to the kind of matter at hand. The fees differ as you move from one law firm to the next. Talk to the legal representative. Some cases will be charged on an hourly rate, others at a flat rate or as a contingency. Before you leave that office, make sure you are clear as to the amount and how it is computed.

2. Retainer: This is a lump sum paid in advance. As the case progresses, the attorney keeps reducing from this amount. A good number of attorneys operate like this. If that is the situation, get to know what the charge is and whether you are being billed per hour or on the entire case. Bottom line, you are supposed to know what it will cost you to have that legal practitioner in your case.

3. Flat rate: There are cases that warrant a flat charge. This means you will have to pay the fee at once with no further charges in future. With such an Idaho Falls attorney clients can be at ease since there are not many hidden charges. The fee is mentioned one time and the rest is up to you. Normally, this is paid following the consultation meeting but you can arrive at an agreement on the most convenient time to pay.

4. Invoice: Like any other business transaction, it is recommended that you ask for an invoice when dealing with an attorney. In the event that your case is still in progress, then you should be furnished with a legal bill on a monthly basis. When these bills come, make sure you offset them in a timely fashion.

5. Payment after conclusion of a case: Some cases such as personal accident are handled with some conditions. One of this is that you will pay after the attorney wins. In typical cases, the fee is charged as a percentage of what the court will grant you. When you succeed, the payment is deducted from the money you receive. Ensure that this arrangement is clearly stipulated in the bills you receive.

Always ensure that your agreement with an attorney has a clause indicating the way you are billed and payment plan. Visit Maeser Law Office for further information.