How To Claim For A Social Security Benefit

by | Jun 29, 2012 | Lawyers

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A Social Security benefit will be useful if you have become unable to work. Working is important, because it allows you to pay for bills, fund your children’s education, afford family holidays and generally feel comfortable with the cost of living. A Social Security benefit cannot be awarded to just anyone though, because the amount you deserve and the possibility of redeeming these funds will be based on your earnings, how long you have worked, how severe your disability is, etc. To prevent yourself from wasting precious time and being dismissed for a Social Security benefit, you need to understand the steps to claiming.

Social Security Benefit – What Is SSD?

SSD, also known as a Social Security benefit, is a supplementary form of income used to make life easier for people to provide food, shelter and other advantages that may otherwise not be affordable. Certain factors can impact the ability to earn money, such as a disability that prevents you from attending work, an illness or anything else that means an income cannot be earned. A Social Security benefit will generally be based on taxes that have been paid in the past by the person applying. So long as this is sufficient, it is probable that the outcome will be positive. However, meeting with a lawyer or someone who works with awarding a Social Security benefit will assist you in understanding what your options are.

Social Security Benefit – Conclude Your Earnings

To begin the claims process for a Social Security benefit, you need to gather some documents relating to your earnings. This must be the earnings you have worked to acquire over the entire time of employment. This is an important part of the Social Security benefit process because the earnings will be analyzed to understand if you qualify for the funds. You should have worked for a long enough period of time and it is important to have details on your monthly earnings. The SGA, which is the substantial gainful activity, is refreshed annually based on the wage of an individual applying for a Social Security benefit, so that applicants can estimate their eligibility.

Social Security Benefit – Is Your Medical History Solid?

Any person who applied for a Social Security benefit will need to have a solid medical history. Even if you hire a lawyer to help you win a Social Security benefit, which can be very useful, you will still need medical history proof. The seriousness of your illness or disability will affect the chances of winning money. The minute you decide a Social Security benefit is appropriate for you, begin compiling medical, hospital and clinical records so that substantial evidence is prominent in your case.