Making a Case for Personal Injury

by | Mar 19, 2013 | Personal Injury

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When a personal injury accident happens the very first thing a person should do is to make sure that they keep notes of everything that happened immediately following the accident. If there is any hospitalization or medical attention needed, then all of this needs to be saved and recorded. Once recovered it is then imperative to start the process of filing a claim as soon as possible.

All states have a statute of limitations which says that after a certain amount of time from which an injury occurred there can no longer be any file claimed as a result of the injury. In Arizona, this statute is currently set for two years. If two years passes and a claim was never filed, then the victim will not be able to file a claim at all.

Now when filing a claim, a victim needs to do a thorough search for personal injury lawyers in Tucson. Once one is decided upon, a consultation visit needs to be scheduled. Most personal injury lawyers do not charge anything for a consultation. They will review all of the information for free and then make a determination of whether there is a case to be made or not.

What to Bring to the Consultation

All of the medical bills, automobile repair costs, rental costs, and any other costs that were a result of the injury need to be gathered and shown to the personal injury lawyers in Tucson. For medical bills, this is not just the receipt from the doctors visits. This is the actual bill that is sent to the insurance company. It will show the amount that the insurance company pays as well as what the patient pays. For damages and repair the entire bill of work needs to be shown to the personal injury lawyer. All other receipts need to be categorized and dated to show a timeline of the events that occurred as a result of the personal injury.

Questions Asked

There are a few simple questions that will be asked during the consultation. These have to do with the details of the accident as well as the injuries suffered as a result of the accident. Comparisons will be made to other similar cases in order to get an estimate of the amount that the case would be worth.

Once all of the details of the accident have been gathered the personal injury lawyer will then provide details on the service they can provide. Along with the details they will explain the costs that will be involved. Most personal injury lawyers will only collect a fee if the result of the case is in favor of the victim. If they do not win the case, then nothing is collected.