Searching for Your Probate Attorney: A Guide

by | Apr 26, 2018 | Attorney

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When it comes to interpreting the will of a deceased loved one and dividing their assets, you need the expertise of a qualified Florida probate attorney. However, finding the right professional can be easier said than done. How will you know whether you’ve found the best possible attorney for the job? What are the most important aspects to look for? This article is designed to answer those questions.

Ask Questions

It’s worth noting the criteria for finding a good Florida probate attorney isn’t particularly stringent. At the same time, you’ll want to speak with several attorneys before you make your final decision. Doing so will help you to find the most competent professional available so your case can go much more smoothly. Some important topics to ask any Florida probate attorney include:

  • Cost of services
  • Years of experience / Amount of probate cases worked
  • The length of time your case may take
  • Whether the attorney prefers charging a flat rate or hourly pay
  • If final taxes are included in their services
  • If they will assist you in performing some of the tasks for the probate independently, if you so choose
  • If their assistants will help with the case, as well as their pay rate

The Best Traits to Keep in Mind

Some of the best of the best regarding any Florida probate attorney are those who are flexible and patient. You will have the best working relationship with an attorney if you are willing to stay as informed about the process as possible and keep learning, as well as if the attorney uses language that is easy to understand so you’re always in the know about your case.

To find the best available Florida probate attorney in the St. Petersburg area, visit the Hill Law Group website.