What Preserving Access To Justice Means

by | Mar 9, 2015 | Attorney

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The United States has made it possible for everyone to get a fair trial. It may not always seem this way, but jury trials are the greatest guarantee any American has for ensuring they will be listened to regardless of their income level, their race, or for any other reason. When you are in the position of needing an attorney, you need to search for one that puts the emphasis on preserving access to justice.

What does this really mean? Well, first off it means that your attorney and their entire firm should work hard to fight for the truth with every client they agree to represent. They should take the time to listen to your entire case and use all of their resources they have available to them. They must be exceptionally knowledgeable about all laws, but particularly those that relate to your own case. If the attorney you have called is not experienced in your type of case, there should at least be someone within the firm to take over or advise.

They should be comfortable in court. In many instances, legal disputes today can be settled without ever entering a courtroom. But, if it should come to the point where you must face a judge, you need to know that your lawyer will have what it takes to represent you both confidently and professionally.

The reality is that the most important step to preserving access to justice is to make sure that you’re heard and you’re given every opportunity to present your side of the situation. Without this, without having a voice before a judge or jury as needed, there will be no way to defend your rights. That is the duty of all attorneys, to ensure they provide either the voice for their client or the opportunity for their client to be heard for themselves.

Always hire the best attorney possible in every case. If it was worth the time and effort for you to file a lawsuit, it should be important enough to do everything you can to make certain you win that lawsuit. Understand your rights and always fight for justice.