2 Reasons You Need a Social Security Disability Insurance Lawyer

by | Apr 29, 2021 | Lawyers

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Social Security Disability is a complex area of law, and so it’s important to find an experienced lawyer to represent your case. However, how do you go about finding the right one? This blog post will give you 2 reasons that you need an experienced Social Security disability insurance lawyer in Fresno to help with your specific situation.

When Do You Need a Lawyer’s Help With Your Case?

It’s always in a client’s best interest to have an attorney look over their case. A lawyer will make sure you’ve filled out the correct paperwork and, more importantly, that your disability claim is based on accurate information about what happened during your final days at work. If you’re applying for Social Security Disability benefits because of depression or anxiety, a lawyer knows how to prove that your mental health condition is severe enough to warrant benefits and can draft responses for you if the Social Security Administration requests additional information.

A lawyer also knows how best to advocate for a client’s interests during hearings in front of Administrative Law Judges (ALJs) or Appeals Councils (AC).

The Benefits of Having an Experienced Lawyer

Having an experienced lawyer on your side can make all the difference for people with disabilities trying to get Social Security Disability benefits. The lawyer will know how best to advocate for a client’s interests during hearings in front of Administrative Law Judges or Appeals Councils, and they also understand what paperwork needs to be filled out accurately so that the disability claim is based on accurate information.

Contact Pena & Bromberg, if you’re looking for a Social Security disability insurance lawyer in Fresno.