Every Country Has Some Sort Of Lemon Law In Place To Protect Consumers From Fraudulent Auto Sales

by | Sep 28, 2018 | Law

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If your newly-purchased car has significant mechanical defects, damage or other issues that were not disclosed during the sale, you may have inadvertently purchased a lemon. While many reputable and honest sellers, dealers and manufacturers will immediately rectify the situation and repair the vehicle, there are some dishonest people out there who target unsuspecting people and coerce them into buying a junk vehicle at an inflated price. If you think you have been sold a lemon intentionally and are getting the runaround from the seller or dealer, there are some actions you can take to recoup your monies.

While your local and state legislation and laws may vary, just about every area in the country has some sort of lemon law in place to protect consumers from fraudulent auto sales. There are several factors at play to determine if you can pursue legal action under the lemon law. The nature of the defect or problem with the vehicle, the number of days that the vehicle is being maintained and unavailable to the buyer for the recurring issue and the number of attempts to repair the issue are all considered when it comes to pursuing legal action. Certain states have lemon laws that pertain to certain classes or weights of vehicles. If you feel that your purchase agreement or warranty contract has been breached, you need to enlist the help of an attorney that is familiar with the Magnuson-Moss Warranty, or lemon laws, Act.

Most states require that you take action anywhere from one to four years after the breach of contract. The team of legal experts at Krohn & Moss, Ltd. Consumer Law Center have extensive experience handling lemon law cases in a court of law. From the consultation to the successful resolution of your case, the experts at Krohn & Moss will fight to win your claim.