Need Help Dealing With Accident Injuries? Contact a Car Accident Lawyer in Huntington, WV

by | Dec 6, 2018 | Lawyers

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Driving a vehicle is a great responsibility that requires undivided attention and following all traffic laws. Unfortunately, not everyone takes this responsibility as seriously as they should. This can cause serious accidents and injuries. When a person causes an automobile accident, they should be held responsible for all damages and medical costs resulting from the accident. A Car Accident Lawyer in Huntington, WV, offers assistance in getting the compensation needed to cover these costs.

Automobile Accidents

When a car accident occurs, even a minor one, expensive damages can occur. Far too often, these accidents can also cause serious injuries. The immediate medical costs alone can be very expensive. If the injuries are extensive, ongoing treatment may be needed. Also, the injured party may be unable to return to work. This can create even further financial complications for the injured party. The at-fault driver should be held responsible for all of these costs.

The Insurance Company

Most drivers maintain insurance to cover an accident. These insurance companies are often the ones responsible for paying damages. Unfortunately, they will attempt to keep payouts low and push for quick settlements. Often, this settlement is offered before the full extent of a person’s injuries is known. If signed, the injured person has no recourse to get further compensation for their injuries. A Car Accident Lawyer In Huntington, WV, should be called first to ensure a proper settlement is reached.

Going to Court

Most accident claims are settled fairly between the injured party and the at-fault driver or their insurance company rather quickly and in the majority of cases. However, an accident claim can go to court when an agreement is not reached with the at-fault driver or their insurance company. In these situations, an attorney can represent the injured party to help them through this process to ensure a fair compensation plan is reached.

Being injured in an auto accident can be a devastating and financially draining experience for anyone. Fortunately, the attorneys at Stapleton Law Offices are here to help in these situations. Click Here for more information or to have a claim examined by a professional attorney.