What a Divorce Attorney in Spokane, WA Can Do for You

by | Mar 16, 2015 | Attorney

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Going through a divorce is one of the most difficult things a person can experience. Not only is there the sadness that comes with divorce, there are also legal issues involved in a divorce. This is where a Divorce Attorney in Spokane, WA can help. There are several things that a divorce lawyer can do for you.

Division of the Assets

Following a divorce, all of the assets acquired during the marriage need to be divided. Some couples can come up with a settlement they both agree on, and some cannot. Either way, a divorce lawyer will help you to get your fair share of the assets.

Child Custody

When there are children involved, it can make a divorce much more difficult. This is especially true if both parents want custody. A Divorce Attorney Spokane, WA will build the best case possible for you to be awarded custody of your children. If you are not trying to get custody, a divorce lawyer will help set up a visitation order which works best for you.

Child Support

If you have custody of your children, your spouse will generally be required to pay child support. A divorce lawyer will make sure that you get a fair amount of money so that you can take care of your children. If you do not have custody of the children, your lawyer will make sure that you do not end up paying more money than you should be. Visit website for more info.

Spousal Support

If you chose to stay home and take care of your family rather than work while you were married, you would likely be eligible for spousal support. A divorce lawyer will make sure that you are awarded enough money to take care of yourself and your children. If you are required to pay spousal support, a divorce lawyer will make sure that you do not end up paying too much.

When your marriage falls apart and you decide to get a divorce, you can benefit greatly by hiring a divorce lawyer. When you hire the professionals at Cooney Law Offices, you can be sure that you will get a fair settlement.