What Can a DUI Attorney in Lawrenceville GA Do for You?

by | Feb 12, 2013 | Attorney

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So, you’ve received your first driving offence and are unsure about what steps to take. To avoid all confusion and get back on track, it is advisable to work with a DUI attorney in Lawrenceville GA. A criminal lawyer who specializes in cases for Driving under the Influence (DUI) will possess the skills and experience to dig you out of a rut by defending you in court. Most of the time, a DUI attorney in Lawrenceville GA will charge their clients on a contingency fee basis and for this price, you can expect them to help you in a number of ways. Not sure if a DUI attorney in Lawrenceville GA is worth hiring? Learn about what they do before you dismiss their assistance.


Before the public defender can proceed with the case, he or she will need to gather information and find facts relating to the DUI offence. The more evidence you have during a court case, the easier it will be for the DUI attorney in Lawrenceville to support you. Information will be collected not just before the trial but also, during the trial. The attorney will use their time wisely to contact witnesses and ask them about what they saw when the accident happened. There are three main type of witnesses focused on during the fact-finding process – expert witnesses, character witnesses and lay witnesses. As well as this, you will need an alibi to prove your innocence and the attorney will help you to create one.

Case Defense

The main reason for hiring a DUI attorney in Lawrenceville GA is to argue the case, and this is why the lawyer will work hard to present a powerful opening statement. This statement should outline the circumstances and an overview of where the case currently stands. The jury will be listening to this statement and it is very effective because most of the time, it will affect the jury in an emotional way. Although objections can be raised by the other party during this time, the attorney should have gathered enough evidence to feel confident about your case.

Jury Selection

Another duty that may be carried out by the DUI attorney in Lawrenceville GA is jury selection. You may have heard about jury selection before and in fact, it is possible that you could have received a summons for jury duty in the past. Random jury selection will be essential and the person or persons selected must fit the legal qualification requirements. The person should be a citizen of the United States and should be at least 18 years of age. An examination will also take place to make sure that person is suitable.