What to Expect Regarding Fees and Consultations with Personal Injury Lawyers in Hawaii

by | Dec 19, 2018 | Personal Injury

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Personal injury lawyers in Hawaii typically charge contingency fees. The fee is contingent on the lawyer’s success at achieving a settlement or court award for the client and is not due until that money is paid. It also is known as a conditional fee.

Types of Attorney Fees

Most legal cases require the client to pay the attorney a retainer fee and ongoing charges for hourly rates. Some lawyers charge a monthly rate or a one-time fee that might be broken down into several payments. A contingency fee allows an injured person to have professional legal representation at a time when they may not be able to afford one of the more traditional payment schedules.

This kind of payment arrangement has been offered by personal injury attorneys since the early 1800s. Lawyers realized that injured people wanting to file an insurance claim or lawsuit might not have money for legal representation because of lost income and medical bills. Others may have been able to pay, but it would make life an even bigger struggle. The conditional fee allowed them to hire an attorney without any added financial stress.

Free Consultations

Personal injury lawyers in Hawaii also typically provide a free initial consultation. The victim should bring copies of medical records, police reports, and any other paperwork relevant to the accident.

This appointment provides the chance for the injured person to learn whether they have a good case and if hiring a lawyer would be of value. For instance, if the person has already received a settlement offer and the lawyer believes the offer is reasonable, there is no point in hiring an attorney. However, if the settlement is much lower than is the norm for the type of case, a lawyer may be able to negotiate a significantly higher amount.

The appointment also allows the individual and an attorney such as Randal Yoshida to determine whether they are a good match for this kind of professional relationship. The person should feel comfortable being in regular contact with the lawyer while the case is being resolved. Information on this lawyer can be found at Autoaccidentattorneyhonolulu.com.

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