Who Needs a Wills and Trusts Lawyer in Moline IL?

by | Jun 1, 2016 | Law

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A wills and trusts lawyer in Moline IL is something that everyone should have. There is something about death and grief that can completely change people. If your wishes are not outlined clearly there is a good chance that your final wishes will not only NOT be known but they will not be honored. The laws that are put into action when someone passes away without a will can work against your family. If you do not leave instructions (in the form of a will) you are risking that there will be chaos in your absence. Trusts can be set up for your children, grandchildren or even an entity but if you do not have these documents in place you are risking that your final wishes will be ignored.

Second Guessing

When you use the services or an experienced wills and trusts lawyer your documents are drawn up to ensure that there will be no second guessing of what your wishes are. Unfortunately, when someone passes away and there are none of the documents in place the family spends a lot of time bickering over what they THINK your final wishes would have been. Having the right documents in order puts all that second guessing to an end. It is just a better way to have your affairs in order.

Who Needs These Services

The short answer is “everyone”. If you have:

  • Children
  • A spouse
  • A business
  • Real estate
  • Other property
  • Elderly parents that you care for

Anyone that is responsible for other people has to have a wills and trusts lawyer help them ensure that their charges are taken care of should something happen. Your spouse has to be protected in the event something happens. Your business has to be considered. If you own real estate what would you like to happen to it? Other property, even sentimental property should be considered in the event something happens. If you care for your elderly parents, you want to ensure that their care is considered should something happen. Having a wills and trusts lawyer in Moline IL help you to get your affairs in order is not something that is just for mature people it is something for every person that wants to protect the people that they love and ensure that their wishes are carried out. It is important!