Hire a Lawyer to Help You with SSI/SSDI Benefits

by | Jan 3, 2019 | Lawyers

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Social Security Income (SSI) can be instrumental in helping you avoid financial downfall when the unexpected happens and you are unable to work. Obtaining such compensation, however, can be quite daunting if you try alone. It is always best to hire a social security attorney when you are seeking SSI and SSDI benefits in Halifax. Read on to learn about the requirements that you must meet to qualify for the program.

What is SSI?

Social Security Income (SSI) is compensation that pays you when you are disabled or otherwise unable to work. The program also pays senior citizens in society who have paid into the system through assessed wages over the years.

How Do You Qualify?

Qualifying for SSI or SSDI is largely a matter of showing work history and evidence of a disability. Furnishing medical records is the simplest way to show proof of your disability, while work history shows if you are indeed incapable of working your most recent job. The SSI and SSDI program is reserved for those who are unable to return to work or complete tasks related to employment that was once part of their daily routines.

Medical records should, therefore, show:

  • A physical or mental condition that significantly affects the applicant’s ability to complete duties related to work.
  • A history of the ailment that spans at least one year.
  • The condition’s ability to impede on the financial progress of the applicant to the extent of the individual being unable to earn a monthly income that qualifies as substantial gainful activity (SGA).

It is possible to receive social SSDI benefits while working. You, however, need to speak with a social security attorney in Halifax to accomplish such a goal. Do not attempt to navigate the ways of social security on your own. Let the social security attorney at Cunningham Law Group can help you get the most out of the program.