Hold an Abuser Liable for Their Actions with Elder Abuse Attorneys

by | Oct 12, 2018 | Law And Lawyers

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Too often you hear in the news about an elderly individual being abused by medical personnel or a caregiver. From physical to emotional scarring, there are different ways that a person is abused by another individual. Being abused is a traumatic experience and intensified when the individual is unable to inform a loved one that they are being mistreated. However, if you suspect a loved one is being neglected or abused by their caregiver, you do not have to sit idly by while it happens. Elder abuse attorneys in Sacramento area are prepared to help determine if your loved one is being abused and hold the suspected party liable for their activities.

Know the Different Types of Elderly Abuse

  • Neglect is a form of abuse when the caregiver does not provide the care the individual requires.
  • Physical abuse is when the person is being harmed by another individual slapping, pushing, pinching or hitting.
  • Abandonment is considered abuse when the person is left without someone to care for them.
  • Adults that are forced to participate or watch a sexual act is called sexual abuse.
  • An elderly person that is threatened, ignored or yelled at are emotionally abused by a caregiver.
  • Financial abuse is when the caregiver forges checks or steals money from the victim.

Hire a Trusted Advocate

When you are searching for elder abuse attorneys in Sacramento, you should consult Ed Dudensing Attorney at Law. They offer the services you require to determine if a loved one is being abused and the legal advice on how to peruse the claim. They work diligently to help their clients get justice for the actions caused by medical personnel and family members that are responsible for their care. Individuals that have taken advantage of their frail state and abused the victim.