Using A Slip-And-Fall Accident Attorney To Prove A Business Was Not At Fault

by | Jan 21, 2016 | Attorney

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Sometimes, people pretend they fall down and become injured while they are at a business. They do this in an attempt to get out of having to go to work and to receive monetary compensation for their injury. If a business is being accused of negligence, and they are sure the person staged their fall, a call to a slip-and-fall accident attorney will be very helpful.

The company should check all surveillance media to see if there is any proof showing the person pretended to fall. There may be footage available showing the person walking through the establishment looking for an area to put on their act. The company should also check with neighboring businesses to see if they had any recent incidents with someone pretending to fall on their property as well. The person may have tried the performance in a few spots.

If anyone was present at the time of the fall, they may be able to be used as a witness to prove the business did nothing to cause the injury. They may have seen the person pour something on the ground or place an item in the walkway so that they could pretend to trip on it. They may have overheard the person talking to someone else about what they were intending to do as well. The business should ask all employees to see if they had noticed anything out of the ordinary. Credit card receipts can offer clues as to who was present in the building at the time of the incident if a witness’ name is not known.

If maintenance had been done to the area where the fall occurred, documentation may be available showing the spot was completely free of any type of material that would cause a fall. The business should contact any contractors that may have worked on that area.

If someone needs a slip-and-fall accident attorney to help them prove their innocence, they can look for a reputable attorney to help them with this endeavor. They can give a call to Berman Mcgrath law group to find out more information about their options in proving they were not at fault for the injury. You can also like them on Facebook for more information.