Why It is Important to Establish a Living Will with an Attorney

by | Feb 5, 2018 | Law And Lawyers

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No one ever wants to think about their death or to discuss it with their loved ones. However, what should happen after you pass away or even become incapacitated is a very important matter. Whether you are young or elderly, it is never too early to discuss what should happen if you are unable to verbally express your wishes. Not only is it imperative to talk to your family about this sensitive topic, it is vital that you consult with a living wills attorney in Moline, IL. A lawyer can assist in making important decisions and legally documenting your wishes if you should become incapacitated or pass away.

Reasons to Create a Living Will

  • You can appoint the person you want to make critical medical decisions in case you are unable to make them yourself.
  • A living wills attorney in Moline, IL can legally document what should happen if you should be deemed brain dead.
  • Prevents disagreements between family members on your medical care when you express your wishes.
  • Helps your family stay in control of your medical decisions instead of going to court and letting the court system make the choice for your family.
  • If your medical decisions go before a court, your life becomes a public matter and lose the right to privacy.
  • Saves the cost of hiring an attorney and court fees by eliminating the risk of your medical decisions being made by the court system.

Give Your Family Peace of Mind

The thought of losing a loved one can be a difficult situation, it can be even more trying for family members when they are responsible for making an end of life decisions for a loved one. David J. Franks Attorney at Law can help you make this process easier for your family by helping you establish a legal document that states your final wishes.