Avoid Mistakes With the Help of a Criminal Defense Attorney

by | Oct 25, 2018 | Lawyers

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When someone faces criminal charges, they face lifetime consequences as well. If you’re arrested and charged with a criminal offense, it’s only natural to attempt to defend yourself. However, a criminal defense attorney in Richmond VA would not advise this, as it may damage your case. Regardless of the charges you’re facing, avoid the mistakes listed below.

Don’t Wait to Hire Legal Representation

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when faced with charges is waiting to find a lawyer. No matter the severity of the case, any criminal charge should be addressed by an attorney who can help you clear your name. Before discussing the case with anyone else, retain an attorney who can speak on your behalf.

 Don’t Hand Over Any Evidence

When you first face accusations, you’ll be asked for evidence in a variety of ways. Your Constitutional rights allow you to stay silent until you’ve found a lawyer who can represent you. The rights given to you by the Constitution protect you from self-incrimination, unlawful searches and seizures, and other intrusions. Don’t provide samples, allow the police to search your property, or make a statement without discussing the case with a criminal defense attorney in Richmond VA.

 Don’t Contact Witnesses

In all criminal matters, it’s illegal for you to contact witnesses, even if your intent is pure. That’s known as witness tampering, and it may harm your defense or lead to additional charges. Don’t talk about the event with anyone other than your defense lawyer.

Call for Legal Advice Today

Just because you’ve been arrested and charged doesn’t mean you’re guilty. Let your criminal defense attorney in Richmond VA handle the case and work toward a fair outcome. Visit website to find out more about the firm’s services or call the Hunter & Everage Law Firm PLLC today.