Four Primary Benefits of Using a Reputable Social Security Lawyer

by | Aug 30, 2019 | Attorney

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When you apply for Social Security before retirement age, you’ll either be eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income. To get the former disability insurance and more substantial amount, you’ll have had to work nine out of the past 15 years. Otherwise, you’ll only qualify for Supplemental Security Income. Whatever your situation, it pays to hire a reputable Social Security lawyer. Here’s why.

No-Risk Involved

In a sense, a lot of Social Security disability lawyers in Kansas City allow you to try their services for free. That’s because they don’t charge you unless you win your case. That’s when the law firm will receive a lesser amount of $6,000 or 25% of the back pay you’re awarded.

Provide Strategic Input

A Social Security disability lawyer will often recommend various strategies to improve your chances of getting disability insurance. For example, your attorney may suggest that you see your dermatologist if you have a disabling skin condition like cellulitis. This would provide you with an extra medical form to send to the Social Security Administration.

Coordinate Paperwork

When you file for disability insurance, you’ll have a lot of paperwork to complete. To better ensure you fill out all paperwork correctly, a Social Security disability lawyer in Kansas City will usually help you fill out certain forms, including the initial application form. This prevents you from having your case dismissed because you completed a form incorrectly.

Help Argue Your Case

When disability cases reach hearing stages, Social Security disability lawyers in Kansas City can present clients’ medical files in court. Your attorney will also rebut any jobs the vocational expert believes you can work. This will better help the judge make a fair decision.

When you hire a Social Security disability attorney, you can rest assured your legal counselor will fully understand disability law and know the best strategies for winning your case. This will put your mind at ease because you’ll know your odds of getting disability insurance are greater with a reputable attorney.

Grundy Disability Group LLC is led and run by Matthew R. Grundy, a Social Security attorney in the state of Missouri. To learn more about Matthew and Grundy Disability Group LLC visit our website today.