Legal Services in Fort Benning, GA Include Estate Planning

by | Aug 7, 2017 | Legal Services

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Estate planning services allow you to safeguard your loved ones’ futures and make sure that all your final wishes are performed as requested. Therefore, you need to consult with a legal representative if you have not drawn up a will, trust, or living will with an advance directive. Estate planning also covers areas such as powers of attorney, probate, guardianship, conservatorship, adoptions, and elder law.

A Living Will with an Advance Directive

Therefore, legal services in Fort Benning, GA that feature estate planning make it easy to plan your future monetary goals as well as create an estate plan that will sufficiently cover your family’s future. For example, when you draw up a living will with an advance directive, your healthcare wishes will be met legally if you cannot speak for yourself.

What Is Included in Each Document

In order to establish this type of document, you first need to have legal services performed that allow you to name a trusted person to direct your healthcare wishes. This type of form is known as a durable power of attorney. Another document should be drawn up that lists the kind of medical treatments you will and will not accept. This form is known as a living will.

Naming the Health Care Agent

When you have legal services provided that combine the two documents, they are known as an advance directive for healthcare. The person you name for making the decisions in case you cannot do so yourself is the health care agent. Most people name someone close to them as the health care agent, such as a partner, spouse, friend, sister, or brother. Under state law, your health care agent cannot be someone providing you treatment.

In selecting an agent, you need to choose someone who you believe is dependable and trustworthy. In order to make this type of decision and facilitate the process, meet our attorneys for a further review of your estate-planning needs.