You May Be Entitled to Compensation After an Accident in Charleston

by | Oct 27, 2020 | Lawyers

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Car accidents may result in both physical and mental anguish that you might never truly recover from. However, a car accident lawyer in Charleston, SC, may be able to help you obtain compensation for medical bills or other damages that you may incur in the aftermath of a car wreck.

How to Show That Physical Injuries Were Caused By the Crash

Ideally, you will see your doctor or head to the emergency room immediately after being involved in a motor vehicle collision. Doing so may allow you to obtain a doctor’s note, test results or other records showing that your injuries were caused by the person who you are taking legal action against. A car accident lawyer in Charleston, SC, may be able to obtain those records on your behalf and use them during settlement talks or during a personal injury trial.

Tips for Obtaining Damages Related to Emotional Distress

There are several different ways that you may be able to prove that an accident resulted in depression, anxiety or other mental anguish. For instance, you may be able to have your physician or an expert witness testimony during the trial. Alternatively, you can have friends or family members testify on your behalf or submit written statements to the court. These statements might mention your inability to sleep, hold a job or maintain personal relationships as proof of a mental health issue.

If you have been hurt in a car crash, contact the Phipps Law Firm – Personal Injury Lawyers by going to