Getting Help from a Social Security Disability Lawyer in Missouri

by | Mar 20, 2014 | Lawyers

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Serious accidents, illnesses, injuries, birth defects, and other disabilities affect whether or not a person can work and make a living. Some disabilities are so severe that the person cannot take care of themselves. Regardless of why you are disabled, if you are unable to work, Social Security disability or Supplemental Security Income can provide some kind of income that helps. The biggest problems with SSD and SSI is qualifying for it and getting approved by the Social Security Administration (SSA). If you are confused about or have been denied benefits, a Social Security disability lawyer in Missouri may be able to help.

Free Consultation

The first step in finding out if you qualify for any kind of Social Security disability is consulting with an attorney. You may also consider a free consultation if you have been denied benefits in the past. The lawyer will discuss the difference between the benefits and discuss your claim with you and determine if you qualify and offer to help you start the process. Since the consultation is free, you are under no obligation and risk nothing just to find out if you qualify.

Quality Representation

Having a quality lawyer on your side gives you peace of mind and increases your chances of getting approved for benefits as long as you qualify. The most common issue that causes people to get denied benefits is mistakes in the paperwork submitted. If you have been denied already, a lawyer can check your paperwork and look at your claim before making the next application for benefits. If you want to get help before you apply for benefits, a lawyer can help you with your initial application as well. Once you hire a lawyer to help you they will be with you every step of the way from paperwork and application to appeals and administrative meetings.

The Social Security Administration goes by a list of illnesses, injuries, and other disabilities when they are approving or denying benefits to applicants. A lawyer will know if your situation qualifies for benefits and how to help you get them. You owe nothing to the attorney until you get compensation. The Grundy Disability Group, LLC Attorneys at Law, a Social Security disability lawyer in Missouri provides services to help you get your benefits.