What Services are Offered Through a Premises Liability Attorney Hinsdale?

by | Feb 14, 2023 | Legal Services

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What are Personal Injury Attorneys?

Accidents happen unexpectedly. Daily routines such as work, grocery trips, and running errands can get disrupted in the blink of an eye. Auto accidents, workplace injuries, and injuries from neglect or abuse can occur anytime. When these events happen, it can be devastating for victims and their families. A premises liability attorney in Hinsdale is a good source for seeking compensation.

What Services Can Clients Expect from a Personal Injury Attorney?

A premises liability attorney in Hinsdale can provide many services for clients. They can investigate claims and gather evidence. An attorney may interview witnesses, examine police or incident reports, and gather any further documentation of a case. They may check photos of injuries or property damage and submit them to a judge.

After an accident, clients may feel compelled to give a recorded statement to an insurance company. That is the first mistake because anything that’s said can be used against the victim. Attorneys are better equipped to handle big insurance companies. They can review a policy and try to arrange a settlement with the company to avoid a court case.

What Happens if an Insurance Claim is Denied?

If an insurance company refuses to pay a settlement, the attorney will need to go to the next level. The attorney will draft a letter to the defendant, giving them 30 days to respond. Court can be avoided if a settlement is reached.

When is a Personal Injury Attorney Necessary?

Navigating a complex legal system is tough on any client. Red tape can happen as complications surface in personal injury cases. Anyone who faces injury or disability from an accident should contact Shea Law Group for a consultation.