What to Expect From An Injury Lawyer of Fredricksburg VA

by | Jun 16, 2015 | Personal Injury

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Most injury lawyer firms of Fredericksburg VA will take almost any personal injury case on what is referred to as a “contingency basis”. What this means is that the firm will take all of their payment once the final settlement is awarded. This can be anywhere from 33-50% as is standard in most states. Again, so long as you’ve asked if there were any extenuating costs that wouldn’t fall under the contingency fee agreement, than you should not have to come out of pocket with any money, regardless of how long the case takes to reach a decision.

As the firm is still will be incurring costs that it will have to pay during the course of your trial it is in a sense financing your case. All the staff members, filing charges, recording fees, and delivery charges are just a few of the costs that the injury lawyer of Fredericksburg VA firm will have to keep paying during the entire course of your court proceedings. So you want a pick a firm that you know is solvent and can absorb these types of costs regardless if your case takes 6 months or up to 3 years to prosecute. This is why if a personal injury firm decides to take your case on a contingency basis you can rest assured that they have every confidence in the merits of your case and its evidence that they are sure they can win a settlement on your behalf.

There are a few items that your injury lawyer of Fredericksburg VA will want you to bring with you to your first or subsequent meetings. They are:

*  Any paperwork or files associated with the medical help you sought, regardless of how minor the injury may have been. You will want to be sure it includes information such as the day, the doctor or health care professional seen, the details of the injury and any treatments and the incident or accident that brought you in to seek medical attention.

*  All invoices, receipts, medication receipts and any admission or discharge papers from any medical treatment, or hospital visit.

*  A workers compensation form describing the incident complete with your employers name, address, your supervisor’s name, and contact information for their insurance company if the accident or injury occurred while on the job.

Plenty of times, in fact in approximately 90%+ of personal injury cases the case is settled out of court. Meaning, most insurance companies will seek to find an agreed upon settlement amount prior to the trial beginning. These are negotiations that your personal injury Fredricksburg attorney will handle on your behalf. This scenario really is in the best interest of all parties involved. The defendants or their insurance carrier will avoid paying court costs and the potential of having to cover your attorney fees or court costs.

Ifyou have been injured in an accident or the victim of medical malpractice then you will need a competent injury lawyer of Fredericksburg VA to represent your interests in court. You can count on the professionals at dulaneylauerthomas.com to be there for you.